Participate in the purchase

I.T.O.Trans Company announces its willingness to buy partnerships with the owners who plan to buy with us.

The process of doing this is a contract that the Iranian investor, with the delivery of a shipment purchased from Turks shopkeepers and wholesalers, and paying 50% of the value of the shipment to us, ITOTrans as a true lawyer paying the full value The goods will be delivered to the country and you send goods to Iran and after the stages of sending and confirming the load in the warehouse of Iran, the owners of the goods can be brought together and then complete the checkout process all the goods delivered

Or they can shop at ITOTrans, our company's CGO team, with knowledge and experience in this field, by introducing the store and its products, as well as paying 50% of the total value of the contract. And collecting goods and at a short time, send goods to Iran and after the stages of sending and confirming the load in the warehouse of Iran, the owners of the goods can be present and then complete the checkout process all the goods delivered

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