I:T.O Trans offers turn-key customs clearance.
- Import customs clearance
- Export Customs Transactions
- Transit Customs Transactions
- Free Zone Customs Practices
- Free Zone Foreign Trade Practices Regional Merchandise Entry, Demand, Stock Follow
- Inbound processing customs clearance import, export, document closing, collateral solution
- Warehouse Customs Transactions
- Summary Declaration Customs procedures
- Disclosure and Appeal on Petitioning the Petition Preparation of Petitions
- Exclusion Process Regime Customs Transactions
- Connector Tariff Information
- Connector Originals
- Regulation and follow-up of control documents of provincial directorates of agriculture
- Arrangement and follow-up of agricultural quarantine director health certificates
I.T.O Trans has accumulation of knowledge in years and wide personnel strength
In Domestic Clearance;
•Clearance and Declaration Service,
•Transit Operation Follow
In Abroad;
•Dutiable delivery Complete and Partial in Iran
•Dutiable delivery Complete and Partial in Kazakhstan
•Dutiable delivery Complete and Partial in Azerbaijan
•Dutiable delivery Complete and Partial in Georgia
•Dutiable delivery Complete and Partial in Uzbekistan
•Dutiable delivery Complete and Partial in Turkmenistan
All the clearance services are subject to legal operations and realized by our International agencies
Things required for Customs Calculations:
•Packing List and Invoice
•GTIP codes of materials
•Photos of Material
If you send the above information together with your demand, you will have learned your dutiable freight offer within one (1) day. You can share your all demands on info@itotrans.com address.